The Leo J. Monty Scholarship
Chapter 33 Student Application 

Awarding of the Leo J. Monty Scholarship is at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee as outlined in the scholarship by-laws. In addition to filling out the STUDENT APPLICATION FORM, we require all applicants to submit a Letter of Interest outlining their accomplishments and intended use for the scholarship money. An application will be considered incomplete without this letter and will not be processed.

  1. Please use the UPLOAD LETTER FORM to send the required Letter of Interest.

  2. Please fill in the STUDENT APPLICATION FORM.

UPLOAD LETTER FORM (Will be Included with Information Below)


Supplemental Sheets Should be E-mailed to: Alan Ouellet


The Leo J. Monty Scholarship is independent of AFE Chapter 33 but does work in cooperation with AFE Boston Chapter 33

Awarding of the Leo J. Monty Scholarship is at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee as outlined in the scholarship by-laws. We require all applicants to submit a Letter of Interest outlining their accomplishments and intended use for the scholarship money. Please use the form at the top of the page to upload you letter. If you have technical issues using the form then email the Letter of Interest directly to Alan Ouellet at the email address listed at the bottom of this page.

The size of the scholarship award is at the discretion of the scholarship Committee.

For the Scholarship awards the applicant must either be immediate family members of an AFE, Chapter 33, member in Good Standing or sponsored by an AFE Chapter 33 member in Good Standing. Applicants may contact the scholarship committee to be assigned a sponsor.

Applications for courses of study in accredited institutions must be submitted prior to taking the course. Scholarships for advanced certifications and continuing education must provide documentation of successful completion of said course prior to awarding of the Scholarship.

Courses of study submitted for consideration should be related to Facilities Engineering or general engineering fields such as math or computer Science leading to an engineering degree. The application should include the required documentation on the application form, past transcript if applicable, and a letter describing why you chose this course of study and anything else you would like the scholarship Committee to know.

I have read the contents hereof and to the best of my knowledge and believe the foregoing statements are true and correct in every respect.

Leo J. Monty Scholarship

c/o Alan Ouellet

15 Adams Street

Burlington, MA 01803
